
Versatile chemical solutions

Matco nv offers a wide variety of solutions and products for textile, adhesive and chemistry industries. We manufacture, store and supply chemicals, adhesives and various compounds on demand and by order. We develop, create and produce customised chemicals, and manage both hazardous and non-hazardous waste products. All of this in accordance with the most severe environment, health and safety regulations.


Matco manufactures compounds, water-based adhesives, excipients and solutions for various industrial applications.

Customised compounds based on various polymers.

Based on both synthetic polymers and natural polymers.

Toll manufacturing and/or filling of the chosen packaging.

Trading & Distribution

Matco stores a wide range of chemicals. The company is licensed to store these chemicals, and also offers customised solutions and mixtures.
Matco offers a very diverse range of products: from basic chemicals to specific chemicals for special applications.

Matco is an acknowledged distributor of Aquapharm Ltd (India) and CHT (Germany). Matco distributes various products from China, India and Europe.

Waste & Recycling

Matco offers a complete package for waste management. More than 30 years of experience in durable and customised waste solutions.
Matco applies circular economy by processing every waste stream to obtain energy or a new raw material, both in its own installations and in external processing sites.
Matco offers proper solutions for damage cases, residues, off-spec or contaminated material or overstock.

6,000m² warehouse for storage of raw materials and trading products – particular areas for various waste products.

Het Matco team, expertise sinds 1983.

Francis Vanbiervliet

General Manager Production

Andy Demeurisse

Manager Trading
& Distribution

Hein Joosten

International Business
Development Manager

Alex Charlets

Adhesives / Compounding
& Research

Jochen Verbrugghe

Waste & Recycling

Tom Plets
